Adds a wp-cron to WordPress that does nothing. But it will do nothing... every 60 seconds (to help you troubleshoot cron reliability issues).
* Plugin Name: Useless WP Cron
* Version: 0.0.1
* Plugin URI: N/A
* Description: Adds a wp-cron to WordPress that does nothing. But it will do nothing... every 60 seconds.
* Author: 403 Page Labs
* Author URI:
* Requires at least: 5.3
* Tested up to: 5.9.3
* Text Domain: useless-wp-cron
* Domain Path: /lang/
* @package WordPress
* @author 403PageLabs
* @since 0.0.1
// Define a 60 second schedule
function add_cron_schedule_60($schedules){
if(!isset($schedules["60 Seconds"])){
$schedules["60 Seconds"] = array(
'interval' => 1*60,
'display' => __('Once every minute'));
return $schedules;
// Add 60 seconds to wp-cron schedule list
// Ensure the useless cron that does nothing is scheduled for every 60 seconds
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'a_cron_that_does_nothing' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event( time(), '1min', 'a_cron_that_does_nothing' );
add_action( 'a_cron_that_does_nothing', 'useless_cron' );
// Notify the error log that the useless cron ran successfully... and did nothing
function useless_cron() {
error_log( '[WP] A useless cron ran and did nothing. Nice! The URI was: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0 );